Small changes I’m bringing into 2025

Small changes I’m bringing into 2025 that so far are making a big impact.

When it comes to my house I have been living in a constant state of fight or flight and overstimulation. I literally did not sit down from the second I woke up til the second I went to bed and honestly the house still was never fully cleaned - like k? What I did was nothing groundbreaking, but it has already helped so much.

Over the weekend, I got out the garbage bags and donated anything that the kids no longer played with, and then with the items left, I identified a space for EVERYTHING.

Identifying a space for every toy I think is going to be the key in keeping me successful in this switch. Identifying a space for every toy meant just a lot of cute wicker bins and plastic containers - it helps keep everything organized and knowing every toy has a home at the end of the day just makes the cleanup so much less overwhelming.

I also got a basket for both sets of stairs and throughout the day, I put any stray toys in the basket, and at the end of the day, before I go to bed, I have to put them in the identified space! This has also been so helpful because there isn’t always time to put things away during the day, but being able to toss it in the bin for a quick clean-up helps keep the house tidy and less overwhelming as well!

I hope this helps you feel a little more “normal” if you get easily stimulated by stuff.


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